page 2... the non/Linear journal

(back to page 1) "...``On the other hand,'' the second fellow said, ``perhaps they're already doing exactly what they want. Perhaps they don't need our permission to do anything. Perhaps they're all already the MASTERS OF THEIR OWN DESTINIES.'' ``PERHAPS SO,'' CONTEMPLATED THE FIRST FELLOW. ``WHAT ENLIGHTENED TIMES THESE ARE IN WHICH WE LIVE.'' THANKS to jenni & malice: /lowlife/2001_07_01_archive.html links: HOW mag "Congratulate yourself if you've done something

strange and extravagant, and broken the monotony

of a decorous age." - Ralph Waldo Emerson "If work were so pleasant, the rich would keep it for themselves." --Mark Twain (from the inspiration page at RANDOM: photographers bluues: sometimes you wake up & it's monday morning or afternoon & there's no wine left and maybe not even any instant coffee and you feel like maybe the only thing to do is shoot yourself so... with flash? or available light? CREDITS rhythm by: Papa Oo Mau Mau psychiatric services by: U.R. Nuuts Legal dept.: Boyler Plato website guaranteed Y3K compatible WAKE UP AND SMELL THE HUBBA BUBBA!!! --planet sassy /beardsley/272/shsassy.htm the why direct confrontation/intimate experience with great art, writing or music, takes us briefly to another world, from whence we return more aware of the magical possibilities of our own little world Leonardo da Vinci: Origins of Genius the why (part two) a cowboy's work is never done A: aliens: alien gonzales, mars bars, saturn cars.... affirmations of another kind... "Ineffective Affirmations" --"I have the power to channel my imagination into ever-soaring levels of suspicion and paranoia." --"In some cultures what I do would be considered normal." --"I no longer need to punish, deceive, or compromise myself. Unless, of course, I want to stay employed." --"The next time the universe knocks on my door, I will pretend I am not home." --"Today I will gladly share my experience and advice, for there are no sweeter words than 'I told you so.'" art... The great themes of American art are the highway, the blues, and beautiful women. Bob Dylan tied it together a few years ago when he sang, "Mona Lisa must have had the highway blues, you can tell by the way she smiles..." art criticism , while it used to be just the uglier and more obscure the better, we now have the more outlandish the better. Impressively, sensationalism, self-promotion, celebrification, trend-mongering, exorbitant prices-everything that has come to characterize the contemporary art world-is now justified as a critique of the commercialization of art. --karen lehrman ARCHIVAL INKS Bob Zeiss ( or visit the website, -- Bob Zeiss, November 12, 1998 ABsurdity (Corliss) This is the absurdists paradise. Please enjoy your visit. Please note the absense of the words sp-m, la-d, and po-k. Thank you. Our features this... URL: ADDRESSES: BERNHARD, SANDRA 11233 Blix St., NH, CA 91602 B's: Berner, Blach, Benz, Bukowski, Birds: the Nighthawk the Adjutant Stork Baker, David Fusion technology? Con-fusion We believe that BIRTHDAYS: Janis Joplin Jan. 19, 1943 Communism: The ambiguities of this situation are at the root of the violence in La Douleur. Duras ended the war a communist. It was the ideal she believed in, less so its corrupt incarnation. Marguerite Duras, by Michele Roberts's most recent novel is Fair Exchange (Virago, £6.99) © New Statesman Ltd. 1999-2000 All rights reserved.The New Statesman is registered as a newspaper in the UK and the USA Counting: there are three kinds of people in the world; those who can count, and those who can't. The curse: the greatest curse of life is losing our sense of adventure, experimentation. We turn our backs to the sea, and are rooted by a stagnant pond, bound in shallows and in miseries DISCLAIMER: No Electrons were Harmed in the Creation of this disclaimer. Not Responsible for the mental and cultural shortcomings of lawmakers in the US. design: see "urban desires" designer web: web consultant for these pages is Ken Ward (donations) This is intended to be a quarterly publication... you're invited to donate a few quarters just click on the paypal box or e-mail

COUNTER:     counter-culture culture counter

FAILURE: The True Story of
 a Moronic Genius
by Jeff DeRoche   (the stranger, seattle)
Driver 23
Hand in hand with the tragedy of all-consuming
 obsession and perennial failure comes
  a sad, beautiful heroism. Like
   Don Quixote, unrelenting in his pursuit
    of the unattainable, Dan Cleveland,
	 the subject of the film Driver 23,
	  is simultaneously a moron and a genius,
	   a loser and a champion, at least
	    of his own illogical pursuits.
		 He is in many ways his own
		  unwitting nemesis, aggressively
		   carving out his destiny while
		    invariably botching each and
			 every unhatched vision. Dan
			  Cleveland is a beautiful,
			   twisted person to witness
			    for 72 minutes. 


Freedom:    Speaking as one who
 believes in democracy and human
  rights, I say everyone should
   have freedom.
	BUT:  speaking as a romantic,
	 and one who has been madly
	  in love once or twice, I'm
	   aware that in love, one
	    surrenders... one's body,
		 one's freedom...  and I 
		 wonder,  is this a good thing...

Genius: Isaac Newton's life can
 be divided into three quite
  distinct periods. The first
   is his boyhood days from
    1643 up to his appointment
	 to a chair in 1669

God, man, woman   --behind
 every achievement of man
  lies a woman, and I am
   sure God was helped too
    but never acknowledged
	 it.)  --Anais Nin

Goals: --Buy the Dodgers
 and move them back to
  		--Tickle the soft
		underbelly of america
	Metaphorical goals: 
	  to go "where the
	   hand of man has
	    never set foot"

Las Vegas:  who invented
 the electric desert...
The Las Vegas Strip is a "National Scenic Byway," ?

Men's room,  New York, New York Hotel, Las Vegas

Life is a mystery and a miracle,
but also, an enormous cosmic joke:
 an amazing & wonderful time of
  bliss, joy, learning, growth,
   self-actualization, soon 
   followed by decline into decrepit
    drool and gibberish, then death.
	  People without a sense of
	   humor find this too
	    upsetting, so they
		 invent concepts like
		  "going to heaven"
		     or "re-birth". 
			    Of course,
				 they could
				 be right, though it's
				  hard to see how.
But what's a joke without a
 riddle for dessert?

Mottoes: (dead?)
 gives you photos animate
  your lives and make
   tomorrow a day worth looking
    forward to. introduces
	  genuine photographers in the world.

      Please enjoy the great photo world.

      The moment has enerything.

Music:   keyboard    50 keys 

New York City  (Garrison Keillor)    
No, she doesn't want to break up,
 she only wants to take a chance,
  with you and with New York. She
   wants to walk through that intersection 
   of Broadway and 44th Street and
    Seventh Avenue, where you can 
	see into six different canyons,
	 each with sheer walls of glass 
	 and stone hundreds of feet tall 
	 and covered with brilliant flashing
	  signs and news banners, and along
the sidewalks rivers of people moving 
along, some on their way to shows, but
most of us just there for the
experience of being in a crowd.
An amazing place in America...
The city offers great solitude and also
 a ticket to see the human race up close.
  It's a place where something is always
   happening, most of which you wouldn't
    want to be involved in personally.
	 Nobody comes here to relax. .

	  One of the few true pedestrian
	  cities in America, where having a
	  car is a detriment -- no speed
	   limit signs in New York, they figure 
	   that'll work itself out -- and
	    where, for all the big corporate
		 buildings around, there are
		  still plenty of hole-in-the-wall 
		  shops where you can get passport
	photos or have something copied
	or send a fax or have your 
	nails done. A lot of street-corner
	 capitalism. If there's a way you
	 could arrange to live there for
  a year with your true love, I 
  think you'd like it. At least 
 you'd remember it. The odds against
  her, of course, are pretty awesome,

 but it's a city that admires strivers 
and the young and hopeful, and who
	 can say what might happen? 

the nonlinear journal		 it tastes great,
 is less filling and is ultimately meaningless

PC: self-important copyeditors fantasize 
that they are "agents of change" charged 
to "redress" the wrongs of history. 

Pennies:  from heaven...  save us...
     most prices will change from 399 
	 to 395....   time saved by counting

PROCRASTINATION:  Thanks to Einstein's 
proof of a curved time-space continuum, 
 we now know that by the consistent
  practice of  "straight  procrastination"
   you can take a short cut and intersect 
   the original time point.  Of course, 
   this is mostly theoretical at this point, 
    but  I can testify,  here I am, 
	 and I don't know how I got here.

the upcoming meeting of the 
 world-wide procrastinator's
  club has been postponed again.

Q: My personal theory is that
 Nemesis passed through the Oort Cloud.

RESUME :   honorary doctorate in 
Driver's Education

Another Page of Empty Space
by: Suzanne Hasselle
(another "historical" link, which means it's not working
right now, but please tell us know if you know more... )

" By itself, reality isn't worth a damn.
 It's perception that promotes reality
into meaning."
-Joseph Brodsky

Universe:  As far as we know,
 the universe was born 10 to
 15 billion years ago. Ten
  to the 43rd of a second
 later, gravity came into
	 being. Ten to the fifth
	  of a second after this,
	   light appeared. A minute later,
	    neutrons and protons began
		 coalescing into elements.
		  Five billion ago, the earth 
		  was formed. Simple DNA
		   occurred about 3.3 billion 
		   years after that. Then,
		    40,000 years ago-after
			 a lot of this and that-we
			  happened: Homo sapiens 
			  became the only surviving
			   humanoid species on earth. 

Women... I have to respect Jaivin
 for her great imagination. If you
  are going to write such a book,
   you need the kind of unending
    creative stamina she has for
	 the telling details. Her
	  characters were a bit stereotypical,
	   but a fair slice of womanhood 
	   nonetheless. She had the dowdy
	    intellectual, the fashion princess,
		 the easy one and the mysterious
		  one. Together they represent 
		  common insecurities that hinder
		   women in relationships, such
		    as appearance, intimacy,
			 abandonment and attachment.
			  However, she is still able
			   to get them all laid.
			    I was worried for the
				 intellectual, but she
				  was able to get it 
				  on with one of her
				   younger virginal 
				   students. Go girl! 
				   --  Emilyl Brown

WORDS:  Picture worth 1000 words.
  Bad picture may be worth only 6
   or 7 hundred words...

Writing: "We write to taste life
 twice, in the moment and in
  retrospection." Anais Nin 


June 5  9:01   p.m.     i've been
 seriously thinking of calling 
 the police and turning myself in.
i haven't had an actual
 conversation with anyone today 
i can't really communicate that
 well with my dog.,  and feel
  truly as i were floating around
   some bend.   perhaps it they 
   thought some juicy confession 
   were forthcoming, they would
    listen and comprehend. 
	 not likely, amigo... not much... 

	 		e-mail comments

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