Spring offered heat. The lilac's pungent scent blew in the windows. My hands shook as if they were the perfumed blossoms trembling. I tried to call so many friends but it was my loneliness that bore me on. My sighs cut through pain like a dull knife opening a gift. ### Totalitarian States Love is a fascist state where slogans like " Voodoo Happens " flash from the bumpers of cars and troops dressed in green environmentally safe zoot suits marshall the populace through painted streets where one's sense of small intensifies and you taste the fragrence of all scents: Licorice Cinnamon Clove. At dusk every one of Love's citizens is required to assemble in the piazza for the Field Marshall's rally. He stands with Venus de Milo placed behind him to the left. All eyes light on her armless beauty, serenely mute. He speaks the word everlasting as if you could rub it between your fingers like frayed fabric or a dried wild flower that will fall and scatter to indecipherable pieces when you let it go. --Maudy Benz about Maudy

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